English Fairy Tale The Proud Tree

Once upon a time there are stood two trees right in the center of a forest, one was a fig tree and the other was a mango tree. The mango tree was gentle and jolly by nature, every autumn the birds would come to peck at its roots, sparrows would build nests in his branches and the swallows would sing for him. The tree happily welcomed all the birds and sang with them, he was a generous tree he would offer shape to passers-by and stand strong when the wind came to pay a visit but the fig tree was not generous at all, he always cared too much about his looks. He was too proud of being taller and greener than the mango tree, he never let any birds rest on him and dropped dry leaves on anyone who would try to sit under his shade.

Breezy: “what are you so proud of every tree has its own shade?”

Fig tree: “really then why do they have to sit under my shade you know why because not every tree has a shade as grand as mine”

Breezy: “Talking to you is of no use”

Fig tree: “hey go away go to the mango tree, over there you all are messing with my hairstyle”

Breezy: “you don't have hair”

Fig tree: “all right then you are messing with my leaf style, are you happy now?”

Mango tree: “come on fig they only want to build a nest, you never let Birds sit on you they are beautiful and they sing melodious songs”

Figtree: “ah boring songs and please I am not letting anybody near my leaves, they will spoil my beautiful branches. You can let them sit on you, you are shorter than me and you don't look that great anyway”

Breezy: “hey watch yeah that's a very mean thing to say fig”

Mango tree: “oh that's fine breezy I am NOT hurt, being short is not a bad thing I am happy with who I am”

Days passed and nothing changed between the mango tree and the fig tree, where the mango tree would keep smiling and singing all day. The fig tree would not talk to anyone one day, a swarm of honey bees entered the forest, and queen bee saw the fig tree and was very impressed.

Queen bee: “this tree is big and strong, this would be perfect for our house yeah”

Fig tree: “excuse me who said you could, I don't want your stinky honey all over my branches and you will keep buzzing all day. I have better things to do”

Queen bee: “you are a tree, rooted at once that's enough artists, what do you mean you have better things to do”

Fig tree: “whatever you are not bringing those noisy little buzzers here”

Mango tree: “big they are honey bees honey bees are important to nature they would always need trees to build their beehive if we don't help each other out then how is nature going to stay balanced”

Fig tree: “ah if nature wanted me to spoil my branches that it would not have made me so strong and beautiful I'm a beautiful creation of nature so I am going to keep myself beautiful for the sake of nature and why are you lecturing me. If you care about nature you do it you let these bees build a bee hive on you now if you'll excuse me”

The mango tree was very hurt by the fig trees words but he chose not to react he called out to the swarm of bees and asked them to build a hive on his branches instead

Queen bee: “you are so kind and you smell so sweet “

Mango tree: “haha, thank you my queen I am honored”

The bees built their hive on the mango tree and lived there peacefully the mango tree was not disturbed by their buzzing or the stickiness of the honey. The fig tree on the other hand continued to scream at everyone in sight.

Fig tree: “hey your little chitchat is bothering me quiet down a little bit your birds are so chirpy, do you always have to sing after a point, it's just a nuisance”

A few weeks later two wood cutters came to the forest they needed wood to build houses they saw the mango tree and decided to cut it down. They found it perfect for their work but one of them noticed something

Cutter: “wait what's that it's a bee like the honeybees most famous if we cut this tree Wow yes let's find another mango tree”

The woodcutters went ahead and saw the fig tree, they loved how tall the tree was

Cutter: “let's start at the lowest part of its bark”

And so the woodcutters began to cut the fig tree, the fig tree began to cry he didn't want to leave the forest. Suddenly he missed the birds and the swallows the mango tree was watching all of this. He called out to the honey bees

Mango tree: “hey bees is anyone buzzing, Oh pig is in trouble we have to help him”

Queen bee: “job please he only cares about himself, he's angry at everything in the first why should we help him?”

Mango tree: “because of the same reason I asked him to help you”

Breezy: “but he did it help Queenie. I am with the beyond this one mango pig is so proud of himself all the time had he let the bees build the hive on him the woodcutters would have left him alone he is getting what he deserves”

Mango tree: “no breezy however fig behaved it must not define us only because someone is rude to us doesn't mean we should be rude to them, the forest is home to all of us we can't leave fig when he needs us the most”

Queen bee: “mango is alight we have to help”

Fake all the bees came out of the hive and flew to the woodcutters they began to buzz near their ears and in front of their eyes

Cutter: “I can't see anything do you think I can't do anything we need to get out of here these bees will sting us, it will be playing for granted”

Bee: “you are the one who sing on here let's get out of here”

After the woodcutters were gone, the fig tree was very embarrassed of his behavior

Fig tree: “I am so sorry bees you are the best to help me out after the way I behaved”

Queen bee: “don't thank us thank mango, you never talked to him treated him rudely but he's the one who convinced us to help you”

Fig tree: “really Mango I am so sorry. I have realized my mistake we all have good qualities in us we all are special in our own way, I will never act snooty and insult anyone ever again please forgive me all of you”

The fig tree had learned his lesson from that day on he never screamed at the breeze or the birds he sang with the mango tree and let the sparrow build nests on him the mango tree and the fig tree stayed best friends forever. Thank you!


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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