The Pebble Shooter Story in English | Stories for Teenagers | English Fairy Tales

The Pebble Shooter Story in English | Stories for Teenagers | English Fairy Tales

once upon a time in
the glorious land of Laos the land of a
million elephants there lived a little
boy by the name of man's day he had no
parents and was lame in one leg but
mansae was a very happy child who was
well looked after by the villagers hello
man say I brought you fresh vegetables
from my garden Oh Leia where's the bills
I've brought him something better a
sugary sweet pie that'll rot all his
teeth the village children would always
play with him but in one particular game
he was the best
Wow how'd you hit that tree that's
mansae for you he can aim it anything no
matter how far it is well the truth was
mansae would spend a lot of time
practicing flicking pebbles at faraway
objects he could even hit at leaves in
the top toast parts of tall trees one
day as he was sitting alone under a
large banyan tree
he started flicking petals at the leaves
wow the sunlight that came through the
leaf made an image on the ground it
looks like a boy dancing and so it did
when the leaves fluttered and the
sunrays moved with them the image on the
ground would move beautifully as his
friends came to find him they were
delighted with the show
let's make something else a who soon he
had created an elephant on one leaf and
then a baby elephant
the children were enjoying the show and
almost didn't see the king and his
soldiers approaching that way but they
turned as they heard the sounds oh no
the king quick let's hide come on man
say the kids hid behind the bushes and
the king and his troops soon came over
to rest but as soon as the wind blew and
moved the leaves around the elephants
showed up near the king and surprised
him oh what's this it it looks like
magic it's beautiful guards find the
person who has created this arts Oh No
they'll come to find us run run wait
wait for me
but the children ran away leaving
mansae' behind even though the king was
a good man two little children he was
still someone great and fearsome I found
a boy here let's bring him to the king
and so poor scared man se was brought
before the king
trembling is it you who made these
images hmm prove it make another one for
man say picked a pebble but just then a
song bird perched himself on a branch
seeing it man say had an idea he flicked
the pebbles at one broken leaf and
formed the image of the bird's body on
another leaf he created the frogs head
and when the leaves moved everyone
watched in amazement amazing it looks
like the bird is singing the song the
king and his men enjoyed and collapsed
to the song of the sunlit bird my boy
you have a remarkable talent I would
like to bring you back to my castle you
would be able to help me a great deal
and so mansae sat in the very carriage
as the king and rode all the way to the
royal palace there mansae was impressed
at being inside now listen carefully to
what I have to say I will soon be
holding a meeting with my ministers one
of which doesn't stop talking oh I mean
the man just keeps on with the blah blah
blah I want to teach him how to listen
to others too so how can I help you must
hide between the curtains and shoot
bitter orange peels into his mouth
mansae was very amused and agreed to the
king's plan
he sat behind a curtain opposite to the
minister Eric side soon the meeting
started oh no I didn't ask the King
which Minister it is now then I've
called you all to discuss the thefts in
the kingdom does anyone have anything to
say about it
we're saya I was wondering and I was
thinking maybe we should just ask the
victims I do know that some of them saw
the thief at some points that's amazing
and we can but I don't feel it will take
some time to find the man after all it
is a huge Kingdom and we do have such
nice people Eric I think he wants to say
something but we do have many soldiers
in the kingdom it may not take as much
time as I fear so that's the man well
time to take a break mr. talkative he
shot the peel straight into Eric's mouth
who is very surprised but soon turned
pale what's wrong Herod is everything
fine what's this dreadful thing in my
Eric you're in front of the king it's
alright well what were you going to say
will your highness I would think that
the people of this book there may be a
thief in the midst of our people I mean
we can never be too sure oh dear
I guess Eric's a little tongue-tied at
this time thank goodness
where'd your highness if you don't hear
me out I'm sorry for that but I only
wanted to say that why is this happening
every time I open my mouth
something horrible drops in and so this
time he swallowed the peel and decided
to stay quiet for fear of something else
being shot into his mouth well should I
speak now finally Your Majesty what I
wanted to say was that there's a
traveling circus caravan in our kingdom
and that every stop it makes a nearby
house is always robbed that is rather
so do you want to visit the next place
it stops at exactly Your Majesty that is
a very good idea what do you think Eric
Eric was quite impressed at the idea yes
go on
we'll wait agree with what he said
excellent it really is nice to hear many
different opinions isn't it oh yes it is
in this way whenever Eric spoke too much
man say would shoot appeal into his
mouth so Eric remained quiet for the
whole time and had no other choice but
to listen to the others I can't remember
ever having heard their opinions before
do I really took that much after the
meeting was over that a king came up to
Eric well now do you realize that giving
others a chance to speak and voice their
opinions is an important thing yes I'm
sorry for the way I behaved I'll try
hard to change from now on Oh
mission accomplished the king was very
pleased with mansae and allowed him to
stay in the palace he was well fed and
looked after and lived a very happy life
displaying his talent to others and as
for Eric well he was true to his word
and tried hard to allow others the
chance to speak because listening to
others opinions is a very important
we must always care and value other
people's thoughts too


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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